Help me make sense of this...


I was with my partner nearly 15 years, 2 weeks ago he tells me he's met someone else and has developed feelings for her and the ones he has for me are fading.

We have been together since we were 16/17, have grown together & our social circle is extremely close.

We had money problems which were very overbearing, but we were working through them until this new girl comes on the scene.

She's 21 years old (he's 32) and he is literally besotted with her, he treats me like we never dated and this was only 2 weeks ago that we broke up.

How on earth can someone move on that quickly? He literally left me because he met someone else & he'd not been completely happy, though was happy enough to be trying for a baby a week prior.

How on earth can someone of 15 years, act so cold and callous & just turn their feelings off like it meant nothing?

Nothing has changed for him, my life has been turned upside down and he's going along like the luckiest guy in the world whilst I'm in agony.

He wasn't cheating before, but has got to know this girl whilst working with her - but from what I've witnessed, she put her cards on the table & he snapped them up so quickly with no consideration for me & that's how it's continued.

I have been calling him, because I literally cannot make any sense of what's happened and honestly im desperately trying to understand how someone can do that to someone else. He's getting annoyed that I'm calling him and asking him so many things, but I just don't understand how I meant that little to him & how he can act like our relationship was so worthless.

He's head over heels for this girl & they've been on 2 dates, says they've got a connection & he really likes her. How can someone switch that quickly, after 15 years?

I'm convinced this girl is going to be his dream girl, just by the way he's acting.

I'm desperate to make sense of all of this, it hurts so much and I'm torturing myself.

I'm struggling to cope as I continue to try & make sense of this mess, your help would be appreciated 💔😭