What’s your little ones weight & length ??


So we just started baby swim classes, first session I’m chit chatting with two of the moms and one asked how old is my LO. I tell her he just turned 6months and she’s like “OH” I’m thinking like okay whatever that means. I ask about hers who is a lil cutie with some rolls, she says 7months. The third mom says hers is 8months. My LO is at least 8 inches longer than the oldest baby 🙄 this is our first baby group and I was just SO stunned he was this big in comparison to the older babes. Hubby is 5’9 I’m 5’7 and both our grandfathers are over 6feet but seriously no one told me I had a GIANT baby...😂....he had his 6month shots yesterday and at 6months 10 days he weighs 18.5lbs (sorta slim doesn’t have any of the adorable rolls but pedi said he’s very proportional) and freaking 28inches long! I knew he was long but seriously I feel like this when we step out the locker room at the pool

lol...So What’s the age, weight and length of your lil ones?