When they hurt, you hurt 💔


This our journey thus far with our 11 week old who has bronchiolitis (caused by RSV).

Saturday November 23rd I brought my 11 week old to the ER around 5:30pm because he seemed to be having trouble breathing. When he was breathing in his chest was sinking in. They triaged him, came to the conclusion that he has bronchiolitis, suctioned out most of the mucus causing the hard breathing and sent us home. In and out in 2 hours. I thought we would be good.

Sunday November 24th I brought him back around 11pm. He had trouble breathing again, his cough was getting worse and he seemed to be less interested in eating. Again they suctioned him out and he seemed to be doing better. They flirted with the idea of admitting us but then he was doing well after the suction, so they just watched him for 2 hours and sent us home at 2:30am.

Fast forward to 11am that same day. He's so much worse. He won't eat, he just kept looking up at me as if he was questioning why my boob was there when usually he's super excited. I knew something was very wrong and brought him back to the ER. We were only halfway through triage when his vitals dropped. We were rushed back to a bed and immediately he had about 2 doctors and 5 nurses around him doing so much to his little body. He now has a feeding tube (which they are using my breast milk that I pump, and top up with formula if I can't pump enough) and he has an oxygen tube to help him breathe.

Today, November 26th, they took him off of the oxygen tube and he's doing okay. I also tried to breastfeed him but he was working too hard to breathe so we had to finish the feed through the tube. I thought we were headed in the right direction since he's not on oxygen anymore, but then the nurse weighed him.

He lost 2lbs since being in the ER on Saturday night. So now the hurdle are to get him to start gaining weight (while breastfeeding not tube feeding), be completely off of oxygen for 24hrs, and no longer need the feeding tube before he can be discharged.

Sorry this is so long but I needed to rant and write it out.

Had anyone else's baby had RSV and/or bronchiolitis? It would be nice to hear some of your stories.

In the ER getting all the tubes in

Tubes in, in the ER

Into a room

He was doing better and I could finally snuggle with him ❤️

Sleeping soundly as I wrote this 🥰