What would you do?


My almost 3 year old just woke up after having awful diarrhea. It’s 10pm. After we got her and her bed all cleaned up (it was so bad!) she went straight to sleep. Does this sound like stomach bug or just something and ate? No fever or anything else. She had chik fila fries for dinner and thanksgiving food for lunch. My husband wants to send her daycare if she seems okay in the morning. I think we should keep her just in case.

She slept through the night with no issues. We pumped her with water this morning and still no fever. She was hungry so I gave her some Cheerios and some fruit loops with no milk (even though she wanted it). She was running circles around the living room 😂. We’re doing no milk for the rest of day. We compromised and she is going to daycare in the morning, daycare was okay with it. I still feel guilty... even though they were okay with it. We have tickets to see Frozen2 tonight. I’m going to bring bland snacks for her. Thanks for your advice everyone.