Infected dermals

My dermals are infected and I don’t know how to heal them as fast as possible . It hurts when I bend over really only on the right side and it’s more flat with the skin so part of it is underneath but if I clean around with a q tip it pops out a bit more. How do I go about this? It’s annoying and hurts. I cleaned them once a day. Should I up that? I currently have a shot glass of sea salt solution over it rn.

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Use Bactine . Idc what anyone says , it WORKS . I have a gazillion piercings and Bactine was amazing for them all. All my dermal a healed insanely fast . And any time they get irritated Bactine clears it up after one or two cleanings with it .


Ch • Mar 27, 2020
I only ever use Bactine on all of my piercings ( obviously not my tongue) but I use it when it’s initially healing and even when I thought my dermal was going to come out when it was oozing and extremely inflamed and it healed back up . I do however have the darkness around my chest dermal still unfortunately because it frequently gets irritated by my son messing with it


callie • Mar 27, 2020
Hey sorry I know this is old , but I'm going through this two. Will bactine work on really infected piercings? I have like darkness around it and it oozed at one point but it hasn't anymore. It just crusts and then I clean it and it pops back out.


Ch • Nov 27, 2019
Clean them after showers for sure . Twice a day