Cat Senses


My cat isn't the type of cat that will follow me to bed at night, but TODAY, right now at this very moment, she has decided she's gonna follow me around instead of her usual wanting to go out of the house at 2 am. I had fallen asleep earlier but I woke up at around 1am feeling completely nauseous and the nausea did not go away at all it just kept getting worse and worse. I'm sure she was able to tell that I was freaking out because throwing up is very scary to me. Luckily during this pregnancy I havent had the impulse of throwing up which I'm glad about but tonight was one of those nights that I knew it could happen. I ended up going to the kitchen, she followed me there passing her body through my legs, I ate a peach and my nausea little by little started going away but she did not intent to leave me, she hopped on the bed and fell asleep once I started feeling better then woke up and left once my nausea went away. Animals are such an amazing support. I love my little kitty ❤