Progesterone Supplement .. did it help


Ladies, I’m freaking out!!

Praying everyday for a healthy baby.

Here is the deal: I had a chemical back this Past September, and we got a BFP in OCT. This is our first (I’m 34)

I went in right away at 12dpo and started my 3 rounds of beta/prog

Beta 64 / prog 15

Beta 292 / prog 22

Beta 3132/ prog 13

I just went in for my first scan this past Tuesday and we saw the baby, saw the yoke sac, and heard a heartbeat, but the doctor warned the heart beat was very slow around 80. I am going back for another scan Wednesday to check again. According to my LMK I was 6 weeks 6 days at my scan by the baby o it measured 6w 1 day. I got my test back yesterday and my HCG was 7557 and my prog so SO low at 3.7. My doctor put me on Progesterone supplements 100mg 2x daily. IM FREAKING OUT. CRYING and a NERVOUS RECK.

I’ll add I didn’t have any cramping or bleeding. But yesterday the day after my scan appointment where he also did a pap... ive has some spotting (more brownish but he said that expected after a pap). It’s only when I go to the bathroom and a little when I wipe... not wearing a panty liner or anything.

Has anyone had a similar situation with a good outcome? 🙏✨👶💪🏼😭🙄❤️