Nursing Strike


Does anyone have any experience with a 16 week old going on a nursing strike?

She roots and roots, so I try to nurse her and she starts crying and pushes away.

Before I left for work she just kept on doing this over and over until I left and she wound up with a bottle. Then I came home for a little bit still she wouldn’t nurse before I left and wound up with another bottle. Then when I got home she was still refusing so I pumped a bottle for her and she devoured it.

After she finished it she still seemed hungry. So I tried again to nurse her (thinking she would latch because she wasn’t frustrated anymore) andddd nope. Just kept turning away.

I’ve been back at work for several weeks and there’s been no big changes since then so I am at a lost for why she is all the sudden anti-boob.

Here’s my little protestor for attention.