Weird periods


I had a abortion 3 month before that was September 14 th(

<a href="">IUI</a>

) . Next period was came on October 20 th it was not heavy but it was last long more than 2 weeks. Then next period was November 14 th but I am still bleeding mostly in day time not in nyt time. If I do any little works after wake up from the bed I m bleeding. I was talk with nurse who is working with my gynaecology in mount Sinai fertility. She said it is normal and my hormone is playing around my body. It will be take up to few month for get regular period.Doctor appointment will be on January. I have thyroid recently endocrinologist change my dose too. I m feeling stressed and so tired. Is it normal? Should I go through this? Any one in this group being same situation or passed on the same situation?