Only the best for his family?

Ugh I really need to vent here.

My husband of 3 yrs and bf of 6 yrs. His family chose to celebrate there bday every damn year 37 yrs old and all. If it was over the top like 40 or something I’d understand but they ain’t kids. Anywho every year since we’ve been together he doesn’t want to go cheap it’s either a $30 gift card or nothing. Whilst his older sister gets him pics of his nieces with candy for his bday ok yeah she had two kids but she and her husband work. Now we have a son I’m a sahm and I decided to get her a photo collage of our son since she has no pics of him. He was NOT ok with that and I’m like excuse me Xmas is around the corner and I’d rather stay broke to get our son good things not your sister. We had a fight about it but hey why can she and I can’t. Now his older bro has a little girl and I mentioned earlier we should get her the same bear we got for our son but in pink and he immediately ignores me and I ask again he says, “why am I going to give her a used bear?” I said what I said not our sons bear a new bear in pink!!! He doesn’t say nothing and I’m just thinking wow only the best or nothing for your family go big or go home. I’m pissed he wouldn’t have that reaction had it been mine. I don’t understand men anymore. Bad enough when we first got together and he went all out for my bday “his sis and I are two days apart bdays” and he decorated and had all this big thing planned for me then only to get a call on the way home saying his sister is going to celebrate her bday that same nite and would I be willing to cancel our plans and just celebrate with her. I was furious.