Help please. Late 1 neg.


HISTORY: I had sex november 24 and 29th.

I had brown dischsrge ALL November, almost everyday. Really abnormal for me, what was that about?. I didnt have sex in October. Period was 3-4 days in November. Usually 7 days.

I haven't had any real bleeding so far. I had some light colored discoloration when I wiped yesterday so I'm hoping I might start soon.

Im on the IUD- theyre super effective, but not fool proof. We also used condoms. Ik ik but just hear me out. -This month actually marks the one year mark for me with my IUD, and ive heard they take a year to regulate your true cycle out. (Google)

'SYMPTOMS': nothing super obvious. head ache a few days ago I thought it was eye strain, ive been crying, been more hungry, ive been stuffy nosed, last month i felt like i couldnt breathe-was gulping air for just going down like 18 stairs, my nipples were sore like two days ago for 3 days but arnt now. Boobs are not sore. My bladder area feels weird, like rolly if that makes sense. Random cramps, sometimes they hurt sometimes they don't. Ive been making more bathroom trips but not a lot comes out.

I just got over a cold. Ive been stressed. My period was SUPER abnormal before birth control.

I took a test the 7th, I think it was neg. Should i test again today or wait till the last day of my supposed period?

About 18 DPO. Not ttc.