CD 10 - First IUI!! 3 Follicles


I am doing my first <a href="">IUI</a> this month, medicated with Femara, and just had my first ultrasound today on cd10. Nurse said she saw 1 follicle on my right ovary that was 19mm and 2 on my left - 15mm & 16mm. Today is Friday and she is planning for trigger shot Sunday with <a href="">IUI</a> Monday afternoon. She did say to do an OPK test tomorrow (sat) and to call her if it's positive, so I think there's a possibility that the <a href="">IUI</a> could happen on Sunday. I am a little worried that we'll miss my ovulation as I've seen girls on here that get the go ahead to trigger once they have one follicle at 19mm? I feel like I want to do an OPK every minute to make sure not to miss it!!! Any cycle buddies??