I don't know what to do.

Okay so im in love with one of my close guy friends (His name is Michael). Ive liked him since the 8th grade(we're in 10th) and we had a little flirty thing going on I eventually starting to fall in love with him. So I asked him if he liked me and he said he doesnt know how he feels. But then he said he doesnt like me but he doesnt know if he will in the future. Then he just started dating this girl i dont like. So i tried to get over him. And then I met this guy who said he likes me and I started to like him. So today me and my group of friends (included Michael) went to the park and then him and his group of friends came to the park. Almost the whole time we were at the park we stayed with our groups. I spent most of the time with Michael, and i had so much fun hanging out with him(not too much fun cause he has a girl). About and hour later my group had to leave so i went to say goodbye to him and he kissed me. I don't know what to do. I like this guy but I love Michael.