
i have this boy in my english class who i’ve always thought was cute since the beginning of the year but recently i find myself thinking of him more and more... i had a dream about him last night and every time i saw him i got flustered. we’ve had few conversations, small talk but he’s a sweet kid and seems like he’s got a lot going for him. yesterday i was sitting in class and i told my teacher that i know what happens at the end of the book and he instantly turned his head to look at me and said “oh wait you finished the book?” and i explained to him that i hadn’t finished it but i knew what happened and he just carried the conversation along and it was a really nice conversation. then today, i walked through the door and my teacher handed me a paper and my immediate reaction is “what is this and what are we doing with it?” and my teacher answered right after she had answered, the boy was staring at me and asked the same exact question. my dream has made me develop feelings for a boy who i barely even know and i feel like i’m obsessing over it and it bothers me. and for the first time since the summer and my horrific breakup with my shitty, manipulative ex, i really feel as if i might be ready to pursue a relationship. i’m not sure if i should try to subtly go for it or just back off and leave my senior year to focus on myself.