I hate everything (sorry for story jumping . Currently 😭

My friends invited me to a girls night. I was excited. The host made a group chat to see if everyone was coming. Before i even read the text (was busy at time) I was removed from the group. So i thought no big deal ill just text her, then she said that it wasn’t happening. But what do i see on one of their snapchats? “Girls night with (one of the girls boyfriends)” Even before the group chat was made I said “if y’all don’t want me there i wont go.”

About 3 days before this:

I skipped ONE gym class because i wasn’t feeling to great, during the next gym I showed up cause I was feel-in better and my best friend started acting like she and I weren’t best friends, like she hadn’t helped me though breaking up with my ex or getting a boyfriend(ex) or like i hadn’t helped her with stuff like boys and crying and such and i said TBH on her yolo and all she said was “weve drifted a lot” so I responded with “I hate the feeling that weve drifted and i hope we can get closer but whatever you decide is what well do” and she said “idk”. Like i loved her as my best friend, I came to her for everything.

I even presented a NYE idea for the big friend group to get together for it cause her mom likes when shes social like that. Idk if I’m even going to be invited to that if it happens. And if it does she’ll probably invite all the people that I would otherwise invite to my house for new years.

These friends make me feel like I’m kinda worthless and that nobody wants me in the group. Which I know isn’t true because the guys actually think of me as a friend. Even my ex in the group. The one girl I skipped with I consider a friend but she isn’t always the best influence and I know I don’t want to become a teen drug addict/ alcoholic. And she doesn’t drink or get high a lot but I just don’t know but ai trust her and I have trust issues so thats a step I guess. Ive been depresso expresso all night and this morning. Off and on crying. I just want to bury myself in bed with Netflix and never go to school again.

If anyone knows any ways to cope with these feelings so I can still be friends with the guys in the group (we all eat lunch together) I would really appreciate it.