What is going on!?! :( so confused!

Jess • Wife in 2019💍🤵👰. Mum to 13y - 💙 , 1yr - 💜 Stepmum 15y & 21y 💙💙 expecting No.5 😆 Nov '22 💚🤰

(Sorry, long story!!)

So. Back story.

Booked a private US at what should have been 11w1d. They could see a sac but nothing else. Blighted ovum was what I was told.

Still testing positive.

2 days later, another US at hosptial, still the same.

Booked in at 11w6d for d&c but started bleeding the night before.

They scanned and "Sac" was there there. They didnt do d&c and decided to let nature take its course....

3 nights of pain and bleeding.

4th night I was letting go of clots the size of golf balls. Contracting so bad i physically couldnt take anymore (and i have a high pain threshold!)

Ended up in a&e.

Dr examined me and said he could see the sac, used forceps to pull what he could. Only got half. It was sent off to Histology.

Another Dr tried again for the rest. Failed.

Kept over night.

Scanned in the morning and still there. They gave me 2 doses of the induction tablet (place up into my cervix) to try shift the sac.

Nothing at all happened!

Another Dr tried to use forceps to removed. Failed again.

Kept in another night. Said d&c in the morning. Scanned before d&c. Nothing there except some visible clots. D&C cancelled and sent home.

Still bleeding clots and cramping nightly.

Results back from Histology this evening.

What they pulled out with forceps, was not product if conception, just clots.

HCG levels were still high wednesday, with an empty uterus!

I was told they had checked my tubes when they scanned me at 11w3d.

Gotta go hospital in the morning to test HCG levels again. Then if they're still High, discuss what to do next ...

But what on earth could be happening!?

I'm so confused!!

This has been a living nightmare. Took us 10months to conceive, then all this :( and around christmas 🤦‍♀️

Thanks for reading xx