I love him, he doesn't love me?!? (ask for more details of anything)

In the past I have taken my boyfriend of two years for granted. we were in love until curiosity killed the cat I broke up with him and then messed around with some other guy. But then realized that I wanted him. (bf is my first love) I approached my former bf and he said me needed space, so I gave it to him and about a week later he said he missed me. We got together and had sex on sep 23, I missed my period on the 30th and it's now a month later. Recently he says that he didn't feel a connection between us anymore because of what I did to him. And he's not sure that we can be together anymore. He  says to me that maybe in a few years we'll meet together. Hes a really nice guy too and I know he means well. He doesn't want to be hurt by me again and I understand that. Yesterday he picked up this girl that he just met a week ago that was my former friend, and they went to the beach together. I saw the story on snapchat. I know it sounds childish but it's important to me I guess. I saw them eating lunch at the mall and then just at the beach. They both told me nothing happened between them and they're just friends. Then at the end of the night my ex bf said he doesn't love me anymore. Everyone, like all of my friends say he's saying it because he's hurt but idk if I should tell him about the pregnant thing. I wanna get back together with him, that's the main point, what advice can you give me to help me get him back? would my chances be better with him if I said nothing and just had an abortion or if I told him? he would be very stressed out and I'm not sure we would be on good terms anymore. it might also affect the future of us having sex again. we did use a condom, and I'm sorry if this whole thing sounds immature and stupid. I apologize but I really do love this guy and I made a mistake and now I need him back... I've been trying for a month so far. He says the best thing is to leave him alone but I'm afraid he's gonna forget about me. Also can someone explain to me ye saying about the "setting what you love free?" Thank you so much...