He has left both of our lives.

Okay so after a very bad conflict between me and the father of my child, it hurts to say that he is no longer in his life. Me and him got into it a week ago and out of anger I sent pictures of him doing crack to his boss. He is a paramedic so it was for the best but I still feel bad for it. Well I haven't spoken to him since Tuesday afyer he told me never to contact him again so last night I decided to message him not for my sake but for our 2.5 month old son. I offered to at least send him updated photos and even went ahead and sent a few. Well he messaged back and told me the stop and that would be my final notice. So I'm taking it as he doesn't want a relationship with his son either due to issues with us and I just don't think that's fair. He did not ask for this and he deserves better, it just hurts my heart so much that he will not have a father :(