I need help I’m so confused 😖


All the way through elementary school and middle school the same boy had a crush on me and I had a crush on him. I never knew what to do about it as he was shy and I was shy but we would literally sit in class and other boys would shout that he likes me and we would both put our heads on the table as the whole class turned towards us. Nothing ever happened between us as we were young but I know that he liked me for a LONG time. So come the first three years of high school we were in different classes and as our timetables were different we barely saw each other anymore. So we lost interest and he kind of forgot about me. But now we both have biology together 9 hours a week and happen to sit next to each other as we both turned up late to the first lesson and took the last seats. And now we talk a lot and I think I might be crushing on him again. I actually don’t understand myself.

I don’t know how to act around him and I am far to shy to even bring anything like this up. I know that I don’t actually have a direct question in this post but I am generally confused and would appreciate someone’s opinion.