Maybe I'm wrong


I'm 16 years old. I have a boyfriend of 3 months. I know, not a huge deal. I go to his house sometimes and hang out. I came home last week with a hickey on my neck and my mom saw and immediately yelled at and punished me. I'm not allowed to see him anymore and since I broke her trust, I can't see my friends either. Now, I understand her being upset and disappointed in me, but she gave me no room to talk, and immediately labeled me as a whore. Am I wrong in thinking she may have over reacted? I am a teenage girl. I will experiment and do dumb things. I will make mistakes, but that is how I learn. If she punishes me immediately and doesn't give me a chance to figure things out, I will get no where. I need her to understand that things happen. I need her to understand that I know I made her upset. I need her to understand that yelling at me has done nothing. She has always yelled at me for every little thing I've done wrong believing it's helping me, but I'm still making mistakes and she hasn't realized that it isn't fixing it. Am I wrong in thinking this way? Am I wrong to believe that a parent should listen to a child? Am I wrong to believe that respect is mutual? I will make mistakes. She's not allowing me to grow up. I am 16 years old and unable to make my own decisions. It's breaking me. But maybe I'm wrong.