How to confront a piece of shit cheater??

So add me to the list of women who have a piece of shit SO, yay ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™ƒ๐Ÿ™ƒ๐Ÿ™ƒ๐Ÿ™ƒ๐Ÿ™ƒ๐Ÿ™ƒ

Anyways my OB office called me a few hours ago and told me I tested positive for chlamydia. Just in time for the holidays, such a wonderful fucking present. Iโ€™m 36 almost 37 weeks pregnant with my baby girl who could come any day now since I have a history of PPROM.

I have no family down here and my friends have their own lives/families so I have no where else to go with my 19 month old son besides staying home with this shit person. Plus I canโ€™t exactly move back home when Iโ€™m 36 weeks pregnant and itโ€™s a whole state away. What do I do?

Heโ€™s obviously going to now be my ex but how do I confront him without wanting to stab him in the dick? How do I keep calm and get the answers I want. Not only did he cheat on me while Iโ€™m pregnant with our second kid but he had the audacity to not even wrap it the fuck up! I genuinely cannot continue to live with him until I give birth but have no where else to go. Any advice??


Weโ€™ve been together 4 years, have a 19 month old son already. They test you the beginning and end of every pregnancy. So no he didnโ€™t get it before we got together. How about you ask questions instead of assuming shit. I tested negative when I was 6-8 weeks, canโ€™t remember. Then they tested me again at my 35/36 week appointment where I tested positive and I very much have it because Iโ€™ve been having symptoms as well. Heโ€™s also just a bf so at least we havenโ€™t gotten married yet.

I canโ€™t leave the state and go back home being so close to my due date. Iโ€™m on Medicaid in my state so it wouldnโ€™t cover having baby in a different one. Same for postnatal care. Plus thereโ€™s no way I could make that 5 hour drive being this pregnant and I have no car. I do have money saved up and will continue to save as long as I continue to work. Also my name is on our lease so Iโ€™d rather not break that for credit reasons. I just have so much invested here that idk where to even start.