Baby #3


So, last year in December we were trying for baby #3 and it ended up as a blighted ovum, and we miscarried. And I've been hoping and praying for another baby ❣️

My mom passed away 6 months ago, and all I've wanted since then was another baby girl to name her after my mom ❣️❣️

My husband & I had sex on the 10th of December, I ovulated on the 12th. I was expecting a NEGATIVE test, but as soon as I took this, it showed up POSITIVE, no denying it. I'm only 11DPO! So I feel really really good about this one. I pray I have a healthy 9 months and a healthy baby ❣️❣️

And this is how I'm announcing to my husband ❣️❣️❣️ it's a wonderful Christmas present