Are my friends fake?

There’s been some things that have gone on in my friend group and I can’t tell if I’m overreacting or not so can you guys please help!

• on friday the 13th I fell and hit my head and blacked out and went into a seizure. i was rushed to hospital when i got there i told my two best friends who i had plans with that day what had happened and they didn’t care at all one was like oh no and hasn’t talked to me since (over a week now) and the other ignored it and changed the subject also hasn’t talked to me since no joke

• i was talking to this guy since like june and recently we were talking everyday until one day when didn’t have my phone the whole day i didn’t talk so i texted him and told him sorry and he left me on read hasn’t texted me back and that was around thanksgiving i told my friend and she goes and i quote “omg ur too attached to ___” she didn’t care so yay

this already super long so i’ll stop here but there has been more things somewhat like this…