I posted this somewhere else too because I just want opinions

This is all over the place sorry. So basically there’s this guy that liked me for a really long time. I’ve never liked him and never will because of too many reasons. He has a good heart but he’s aggressive, a hoe and I’m not attracted to him. We have to see each other often because he and my sister are really close friends and we’re cool too but he always comes on to me. It doesn’t make me uncomfortable or anything but I always make it clear that I don’t like him. But anyways a few months ago me and this other guy who’s extremely attractive, smart and a good listener. We didn’t talk much before but now we talk everyday. Most of the time he initiates the conversations and I think it’s going somewhere but it doesn’t make sense for us to date because he doesn’t live here anymore and just visits sometimes. I’m almost 16 btw and they’re both 18 but the problem is they’re brothers🤦🏽‍♀️ yes I know I shouldn’t talk to both of them blah blah but both of them came on to me, and I never had anything with the first guy. But now I think the first guy knows because he was in my inbox last night running on about how I f*cked up blah blah and I ruin him wanting me but my point is I never said I wanted him and he knows this so why is he upset over that. But the reason I made this post was because I feel really guilty.