
This postpartum stuff is affecting me soo hard.. I feel like I can’t do this anymore. It’s not even postpartum depression, it’s more like postpartum anger. Every dislike I had for my in-laws are being magnified 100 times more.. I don’t want them over our house, I don’t want them holding our daughter, don’t want them basically being a part of our daughters life. I don’t get why I’m feeling like this. I think it’s because they showed no interest in my pregnancy and I felt invisible.. now that she’s here, I feel even more invisible. For my birthday, I had surgery to remove gallbladder 2 days before birthday. They only came over and gave me a card and then just wanted to see and hold her... my husband asked me “then why did you become a mom? Family is a huge part and if you don’t want my family in her life, you shouldn’t have become a mom” I told him I didn’t decide to get pregnant so his parents could have a baby around. I became pregnant so WE could start our own family. I got so angry with him that I don’t even want his family to come over tomorrow for Xmas... I just want to text them saying to not come anymore. I’m so bad mentally that I started thinking of dying and how I would do it...