Gender preference

Hi there.

I've been seeing a lot of responses on how people wanted one and got the other.

And I totally 100% understand, don't get me wrong. It's really not wrong to have any kind of preference.

But as a girl born out of both parents wanting a boy I can honestly tell you I have ALWAYS felt that they rather wanted a boy. I can remember that even as a toddler I wanted to prove how much I could be just as good or better than any boy.

And I always felt like I was just never good enough. And I still do try to be "perfect" because I feel like I might not be good enough.

I have even many times, as a child, wished to have been a boy.

And ALL I would like to ask you..

Is just to not do this to your children.

They too have a right to the happy life you could give them, just as much as your son would have.

Thank you very much for taking this into consideration, in the name of your future child.