
yasmin • Baby boy 07/30/19💙👣 Baby 2 due 04/23/22 ❤️🤰

I'm writing this as I'm sitting in the bathroom crying. I'm in so much pain. Not the normal posts about cramps or nun. Nope! My wisdom teeth!!

I got my wisdom teeth when I was 15. Two of them popped through but then my gums formed back over top of them. All 4 of them are impacted and going straight into my other molars. For the past 3 years I have been asking my mom over and over to set up an appointment so that I can get them removed as they started causing me pain. (My mom decided to switch dentists n didn't find a new dentist for a year. Then I got pregnant. Then I had a blood clot from the pregnancy and was on blood thinners. So I was just cleared to be able to get them removed a month ago) First 2 years it was spotty. Pain would come and go. But this past year has been hell!

It has gotten so much worse! But bc of the pregnancy they wouldn't do anything. Then my doctor wouldn't allow me til after I was off the blood thinners. All in all that took an entire year! Now since I've been cleared I called to schedule an appointment to get them out.

But they can't get me in until March at the earliest 😭 on top of that I can't even schedule an appointment until the beginning of the year bc of insurance. So hopefully I even get an appointment in March. Today pain has been so bad I started crying. I've had migraines (pretty much every day) and lockjaw a couple times from the pain but it's never made me cry! I'm hoping that this is another effect from my sinuses. I lost my voice, have a really bad sorry throat, and my ears r killing me

AND my 5 month old is now teething. Which is great😑 Pretty sure he's gonna be just as dramatic as me🤣 Cried for an entire hour earlier bc his gums hurt (I'm guessing)

My family has a history of dental problems. I inherited rapid tooth decay. But anywho. I really hope this gets better 😭