Dear "Best Friend"

4 days ago, I broke ties with you. I said some terrible things, and where as i regret it, I wouldn't take any of it back. It needed to be said. I despise your boyfriend. He beats you, he has cheated on you and he's raped you. For 4 years, I have stood behind you, while you made crappy choices and picked up the pieces after you had your heart shattered. For 4 years, I was your soulmate. I would've given you my lungs, if you needed a transplant. I would've burned down someone's house if you asked. The things I would've dine for you, and you couldn't even listen to the reason as to why I thought you shouldn't consider marrying that sack of shit, you call your boyfriend. I don't understand why you're with him, or what you see in him. And it breaks my heart, that I won't be around to pick you up again when he leaves you in a bloody pile. Who do you have? So, I guess I'm sorry. I'm sorry for caring so much. And I'm sorry that you can't open your eyes enough to see what your future will look like. I loved you so much.