Fuck her!

My sister is a cunt.

My mom has a computer in her room that we ALL share.

So my mom's room is a shared space. I bring my 1 month old son in there because it's warm, her bed is big, and my mom's room has a TV too.

She plays fortnite and she is a mega bitch when she plays.

She curses people out, tells them to die, suck dick, etc. She won't let anyone talk, and she gets upset when my BABY cries.

She pretty much wished death upon my son. Saying all babies should die. Says I'm weird because I babytalk him. She says she wishes I never existed. It pisses me off big time. Even when my mom is in the room she tells her to shut up.

Like you can't play a simple game without getting distracted? You gotta yell swears because you're losing? Grow the fuck up. I just wanna beat her down.