Answer to my prayers ...

Sara • This chick is about to turn 30 and is preggers with her Rainbow baby !! Life is good and God is awesome 😇💗
Let me just say God is amazing... This past August I gave birth to a beautiful sleeping boy was the hardest and still is the hardest thing I have ever gone through in my life. I was angry, confused, and so sad that I questioned God on why would he let this happen ?? But I quickly realized Instead of questioning God I just needed to pray, pray for understanding, pray for strength and love through this rough time. After our doctor appointment me and my husband both decided we wanted to try again, and so we did, and after just having my first period after my stillbirth God has truly answered my prayer. Im going to test again in a few days to make sure, but does this not look positive to you ? God is amazing and he does answer prayers we just have to have complete faith and when we feel discouraged we just need to read in his word and he will show you the comfort you need.