I think I may be depressed after loss of baby

After the loss of my pregnancy at 9 weeks I've been struggling to eat, drink, socialise even to leave the house if it's not a day when I'm working. I first noticed bleeding 10 days ago. 6 days of no bleeding at all and I thought it must have just been a false alarm, and then when I was at work huge clots were coming out. Yesterday morning what I believe to have been the sac came out of me whilst I was walking to the train station. It was very uncomfortable and I had to walk to a toilet with the knowledge I was about to see something grizzly. 
I don't have a significant other in my life anymore and although I have friends and family in my life who are supportive I feel very very alone. Especially in the last couple of days when it has been visually confirmed to me that the pregnancy is lost. I physically feel empty now.
Is there any way I can help myself feel whole again? One part of me wants to get pregnant again straight away but deep down I know that's not a good idea. The other part of me wants to start dating again but when is too soon? 
I'm finding it hard to do anything normally anymore. I didn't eat all day yesterday because I don't have a hunger anymore. I feel too lazy to have a wash and go to the shops and I keep cancelling on my friends. Please someone help me.