Emotional wreck I’m over it!

I’m overdue as of yesterday. I have an appointment Monday to discuss introduction which I know probably won’t happen till like Thursday the latest 😡

I’ve been walking all day and nothing! I’m so pissed off I am tired of being pregnant I’m tired of the pains and it not leading anywhere

I’m tired of the extreme heartburn

I’m tired of the heaviness I feel in the lower abdomen/ vagina

I constantly feel like I have to pee

I am definitely tired of hearing people “there’s nothing you can do” yes the fuck there is!

Why did some women walk and get lucky?

Why did some do squats get lucky?

I refuse to do Castro oil so besides that and sex what else could I possibly try

I get on and off cramps but after the 3rd they stop 😡

I am not dilated but baby is low and positioned