Playing with my emotions!


Hi ladies,

I am 35 weeks pregnant today. The day i thought would never come has came and I’m having a hard time coping. Here’s a little backstory, my children’s father and i split about 5 months ago because he was paying us no mind, always working or having some excuse why he couldn’t spend time with us. After a while he said to give him some time, he was going through some things, I was very supportive and very willing to give him the space and time he needed. He said we would work on things.... it’s been months of me pouring my heart out and nothing. I’ve basically supported myself mentally and emotionally this whole pregnancy. His birthday came, i bought him tickets to see wrestling with a friend and really good seats too in November. Christmas night he tells me, he’s moved on but “that’s doesn’t mean there’s someone else”. After all this time of “I’m just going through some things” “let’s do something fun soon” random “i love you’s” even spending the night just last Saturday and being intimate! There’s nothing i can do, i just have to DEAL with it right? My birthday is coming up on Wednesday and we have not communicated since he’s said he’s moved on because I’m hurt, and i don’t want to keep hurting myself! Today he picks up our son and i have a visitation agreement printed out for him to go over. Instead he wants to say “can we go out for dinner for your birthday” i said “no, I’m having a birthday dinner”. He says, “where? i can’t come? We’re still friends” i said “we’re not friends. Friends don’t lie to each other!” His response, “i didn’t lie to you, i just didn’t tell you everything!” I just don’t understand why he thinks a week after he told me he’s moved on and doesn’t want to be with me I’d be excited to spend MY birthday with him! HE MOVED ON, NOT ME! Why would i do that to myself? I feel like I’m being played with and he makes sure he always says “i know your emotional BUT......” I’m not emotional, he’s playing with my feelings and i don’t know why! He knows I’m hurt, he knows I’m angry, he knows how I’m feeling! I can’t be his friend right now, i have to worry about my wellbeing and trying to keep my sanity! Am i wrong? Is he right?