Menopause or something else?

My mother is 53 and is in the beginning of menopause. Her behavior has been bizarre, and I'm trying to figure out if it's from menopause or if she may be having mental health issues or early onset dementia or something. I feel that she's too young for dementia or other aging related issues, but I'm confused as to what is happening. Her behavior is fairly aggressive and confrontational, and she's making (for lack of a better word) stupid and irrational decisions. She also becomes obsessive about things. I did some googling and it said menopause can affect your behavior, but it wasnt very specific and I didn't know how extreme those changes could be. Has anyone else gone through this with their mother? Was it menopause? Or something else?

*Posting anonymously because I think she had this app at one point, and idk if she still does.