I highly doubt it but...


Okay so my boyfriend and I have sex every weekend (that’s the only time I see him cause he works out of town) my period is normally always on time and I never bleed before or after my period is over. A week and a half ago I spotted for a little bit and then I started to get this weird brown discharge. My period is a few day late now I also quite taking my birth control thinking it had something to do with that cause I kept taking it hours after I was supposed to. We’re on vacation and are out longer than expected and I leave it in his car or in my suitcase I take it at 10pm but we wouldn’t be back to the car till 2am (we go to the hookah lounge when we’re with his family lol) anyways please help! I wouldn’t mind having a baby but he’s in the army and he wants to wait until he’s a little further up in rank and not deploying so much so that way he won’t miss the birth.