Severe chest pain

Tl;dr The right side of my chest has extremely bad pain (almost like a bad muscle pull) and I’m afraid I’ll go into labor soon — should I call the Dr. or ride it out?

I’m 37 weeks now and I’ve had some numbness and discomfort under my boobs throughout the pregnancy which I just assumed was nothing more than an inconvenience of being pregnant like many other things. I told my doctor about it Thursday bc it’s gotten worse recently and he basically said the same thing. However, after that appointment the right side of my chest started hurting pretty bad whenever I laughed or moved in a certain way (this was on Thursday, 12/26). Friday it eased up and seemed to be fixing itself. Yesterday it was excruciating, though. My SO and I were going to visit my parents 2 hours away and I started off driving but had to switch with him after about 20 mins bc I was pretty much in tears. So all day yesterday it was hurting, sometimes worse than others. This morning I’m hurting really bad again to the point I’m having a hard time moving. I’m not sure if it’s my baby’s position bc I can feel her foot moving very close to the area sometimes, but my concern is I’ll be dealing with this when I go into labor bc I lost my plug and I’m having more contractions. Does this sound serious enough to call the dr or is this common?