Husband told me he has another child


Hi guys let me explain and any feedback is appreciated. Last night my husband told me that when he was 15 he got a girl pregnant and that when the baby was born the mother and grandmother of the baby which was a girl made him sign his rights over. He did so when he was 16,he has never met the child,knows nothing about her. Well fast forward 23 years later that child now wants to meet him, we have 2 children of our own. I was completely shell shocked when he told me this and very hurt. I just feel like this should have been disclosed to me when the relationship first started to get serious. It would not have changed anything but just knowing would make things different he stated that he didn't ever think she would want to meet him so he didnt feel the need to bring it up. I wrong for feeling the way I do. Now that she wants to meet him,I fear that this will turn our lives completely upside down. Yes shes an adult, but her mother was the one who reached out stating that she wanted to meet her dad. Then continuing on asking my husband what his situation is?(like if hes single) he told her I'marroed with 2 kids and she says so...that alone shows that the girls mom has no respect and im hoping that if she does become apart of our lives which I will welcome with open arms if it happens. I just want nothing to do with her mother. Idk my brain is all over the place I dont know what to think. Advice please...