Relationship help

Mac • 20 ❤ Anastasia Grace 11/28/19 ❤ Zander Bron Mordeci 3/31/21 ❤

Hello, i turn 19 in january, my boyfriend just turned 19. We have a 1 month old daughter and have currently gone from living together to living separately.

We started dating january 4th of this year, and have known each other since 10th grade. Now, I've had feelings for him since we met, he says he has too.

When i was 3 months pregnant in may, which we both knew and were living together at the time, he cheated on me on our 4m anniversary.

He told me she took advantage of him and blocked her on everything.

A few weeks later we find out we have chlamydia. We got treated and continue on. Over the next few months we have good days where he seems okay and like when we first met, and then he'd become unrecognizable, and wake up angry or just be mad by the end of the day. I never understood, i was always wrong and my mistakes would be pointed out.

He's told me he'd have his sister fight me, that he'd kill any guy or girl i dated after him, that it'd be my fault he killed himself and his daughter didn't have a father (my father killed himself, and he knows that even though i have no memories of him it still hurts)

He's put a hole in the nursery door, screamed in my face, grabbed at me, put his hand around my throat (and not in the kinky way) and threatened me. He's even told me it was actually my fault he cheated on me. He's threatened to take her from me multiple times and even told me he'd move out of state and just send me and her

I recently got ahold of the girl for the full story, and he told her he was single. He ignored my calls that day, and according to her was upset about having a kid with me, but she can't remember what exactly about it.

Ever since she was born I've been seeing more of who he used to be.

I've talked to his aunt and uncle and they even agree that he needs help, that he used to be way different before he went to military camp (the year after we met) but he came back even better, and slowly slipped after letting old people back into his life.

I want him to be happy, but i don't think he will actually make any progress with me. I want to break things off but i love him so much. It hurts much thinking about it, but if he actually makes progress id want to try again, but i just cant do it. I feel like we need to take time on our own, because this is not who he was. His aunt feels he may be on something harder than weed. (Where we are from everyone smokes weed, but hardcore drugs are also common)

If that is the case it would explain his personality changes, but i also know you can be psychologically addicted to weed (different from physical addictions to harder drugs) but it is also harder to get one, as well as he smoked before camp too, he just seems more dependent on it.

I'm not sure how im going to do this, but im going to try to talk to him without causing a fight, because it has escalated to him stealing my mothers playstation on christmas.