This is just me complaining about family🤦🏻‍♀️

Ana • Nicholas 9/7/18 👼🏻 Liam 9/20/19 🌈 Matthew 10/21 💛

So for the holidays my husband and I didn’t let people hold our son. He’s been mucusy, has had a slight cough, we just don’t want him to get more sick. Also the holidays are stressful and I don’t want him being passed around.

So most people were understanding and didn’t fight us on it. But my mom, step dad, and sister threw a fit. But they talked shit to the entire family instead of me. So once confronted my sister and I get into an argument and aren’t on speaking terms now.

My mom and I also argued. She told me the only way to bond was by holding him. And I’m making her chose between children (which was because my sister was telling her about our argument). She’s mad that my aunt, uncle and in-laws see him more (we all live in the same town 🙄) and basically that I’m picking on them only. But she wouldn’t listen when I tried to explain that we are doing this because we have already lost a child and we aren’t taking chances.

** little background: my mom and stepdad have met my son maybe 4 times in 3 months. Each time they take pictures for Facebook, talk about their life and leave. They try to be good social media grandparents but have no intention of bonding with my children **

So Saturday my family went to my uncles house for our Christmas. It was a great time, we all hung out, people played with the baby while I held him, it was good. Then my mom and stepdad walk in and the whole mood changed. The whole time they ignored my son and talked very little to me. Straight up didn’t pay him any attention but talked about the gifts they got him. They stayed across the room and snubbed me.

When they left I found out that my mom told my uncle that if she asked to hold my son and I said no, they were just going to leave. Also my mom has been telling everyone that we let my husbands whole family hold him any time and there are pictures on Facebook. So I had to explain to my side that it wasn’t true because we said no to everyone.

I’m about ready to just let them go. It just sucks because my father and his whole side aren’t part of my life so my son is already out all of them. I don’t want to cut more people out but they don’t care about him. This whole thing is just so stressful because all I want is to keep my kid safe, but apparently that’s an issue because it gets in the way of their wants 🙄🙄