Sick adults in the household

How do you usually manage things in the household when your partner gets sick?

We have a 6mth old baby. My partner had been very sick with what seemed like a particularly bad flu last few days, he couldn't even get up or eat or do anything for 3 days.

Yesterday he finally seemed well enough to go to work but still had a sniffle so I still worried about contagiousness and I mentioned it to him. I said to him that I would gladly handle babycare 100% until we are sure he's not contagious. He's also sleeping in a separate room from me and baby.

But of course it was also NYE and although I suggested going out for a walk together he declined citing what I had said about contagiousness. He was very terse and distant, and very abrupt with me. Although I had come in suggesting to walk together, he then said that he maybe should have stayed out on his own for longer. :-(

It is a lot of tiring and isolating work taking care of baby on my own. I work full time and rush from work to home to care for baby after caretakers leave. It's not like I would want to keep baby from him but he was just super sick with an exceptionally bad flu and baby has a much lower immunity than us. He usually likes being hands on with playing with baby so i know this is difficult, but as baby's main caretaker I have to protect her.

Was I being unreasonable to ask him to keep a distance until he recovers? How do others handle contact time with sick people?

What can I do to not feel like I've been the villain in all this by having requested he keep a distance until his symptoms are gone?

I too feel lonely at having to keep him at arm's length.