What’s your sibling situation?


I’m the oldest of 6 and we are all super close and basically best friends! My sister is 11 years younger than me and we literally talk like everyday. Everyone gets along and loves each other like crazy. I thought having close sibling relationships was normal but the more I talk to people the more I realize how rare we are. How close are you and your siblings???

*Pic of my family, 5 siblings, mom, my kids, my brothers kids and my SIL. *

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Posted at
I have 18 brothers & sisters well 17 now (my brother passed away) but we are all really close being 1 yr apart and most of us having the same bday’s


Yonni • Jan 3, 2020
No twins, No adoption, same mom and dad


👼🏽👼🏽👼🏽💖🌈🙏🏾 • Jan 1, 2020
Are some of you all twins or triplets... or a blended family (like adoption) ?


Posted at
My siblings are 30 years apart from me and we hate each other.


Posted at
I have 2. A half brother who’s 13 years older and a little brother who’s 18 months younger. I’ve never really been close with my older brother. Me and my younger brother were close growing up but things have happened and we aren’t that close anymore


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I’m the oldest and my sister who was 3 years younger was my best friend. Was just us two. She passed away in July


Ashley • Jan 1, 2020
Thank you


Sa • Jan 1, 2020
I'm so sorry for your lost..


Posted at
I am adopted and in my adopted family I have 5 brothers and 2 sisters. I’m the youngest girl. Our ages are 41, 38, 30, 29, 28, 27(Me) 26, and 24. I’m kinda close with my sister who is 38. My brothers who are 30, 28, 26, and 24 were really close when we were kids and then teenagers but now I’m only close with my brothers who are 26 n 24. In my biological family I have 8 sisters and 4 brothers. We are also 1-3 years apart. I’m still the youngest girl lol and let me say none of us talk at all. We did for along time and then we each had a falling out of some kind and haven’t talked to each other since.


Posted at
I have a brother and had a sister (she was killed 3 years ago) we all share the same dad me and my sister have the same mom. I wasn’t close to either of them... more close to my sister since we lived together but we definitely had a love hate relationship... since she’s passed me and my brother have become a lot closer. He’s 2 years and some change older than me and my sister was 3 years younger than me. 28,25, and would have been 22


Posted at
Originally, there’s 6 but I had an older brother that passed when he was a baby... so now there’s 5. My older sister in 37, my older brother is 32, I’m 25, my younger brother is 17, and my baby brother is 12. Me and my sister are SUPER close but I feel like that’s just cuz she’s been more of a mom to me growing up (my “mother” was busy with other things 🙄), my older brother has always been my protector and we’re pretty close, my younger brother is my EVERYTHING, I’ve considered him almost as like an extra child lol, and my baby brother tbh I couldn’t stand him at first but when he was like around 3/4 ish I finally started to feel some love towards him. So we’re all pretty close but we go through this thing where it’s like we tend to outcast someone every now and then, and rn it’s my older brothers turn I guess 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️. My family’s pretty toxic 😪😪


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I have a sister who’s 2 years younger than me. We have always been very close. Even now that we moved out of our parents we live near eachother and we see eachother once a week atleast


Posted at
I have 2 little sisters and 2 older sisters. I don’t talk to either of my older sisters because they are both twats. And I rarely talk to my one of my younger sisters who is 16 because I don’t only live 6 hours away from her and my parents, but since she is 16 she thinks she runs everything and she’s miss queen bee and it always has to be her way. My other younger sister is 13. We never use to be that close. I use to be close to my 16 year old sister back when she was younger and I was younger (I’m 22) we had a good bond for a handful of years. Then she started changing. Now I just don’t care for her, and I know damn well she don’t for me either because her attitude shows it all. I never I use to be close to my 13 year old sister because she use to be a pain in the butt when we were younger. She was mean and had a cocky attitude. But since she got older, she mellowed our a lot. And we kind of grew a bond together. She also goes through a lot of the same stuff I did going to school and parents fail to realize it just like they failed to realize it with me. I’m just happy to have a good bond with a sibling 😁


Posted at
I would post a pic if I had one lol. Well it's me and my brother we are 7yrs apart he's the oldest. Then I have half siblings on my dads side which I believe is just a half brother and he's like almost 40 and I'm 23(he's the only ik of) my family fell apart over the years when my mom past away about 18yrs ago. Ever since we haven't been close at all. Then my brother is married with 3 kids and I'm married with one kid right now. My aunt has a kid and that's it. In my family there's only 4 of us left by blood then added family through marriage.