Mother in Law from hell

Ok so you guys may think I'm being dramatic but I need advice genuine advice. It's going to be wordy but bear with me. Ok so my MiL is coming down from january 3rd-6th. I told my fiance I don't want her around me or my children because shes constantly disrespecting me. A little back story. He and I have been together for 7 years we will be 8 in February . He has struggled with addiction since he was 20 years old(drugs,alchohol,etc) I've helped him every step of the way since his sobriety started when he was 25. Things like Just being supportive and anyone in this situation knows being with an addict is really hard. I'm 27 and hes 32 . It's an everyday struggle for him but hes really done good for himself and has been clean for 6 years. When I met him I just turned 19 and he was 25 so theres a long history. Well when I first met her she was like she carries herself well (I was in college and working 2 jobs and was living with my mom he was 25 working his full time job and in his own apartment. ) but then as we got further along and he was getting sober she started saying like shes controlling, doenst let you be a man (because I dont think it's a good idea to for him to drink when she is here) or bar hop with her. Shes one of those parents who sees him as her bestfriend and they are really close which doesnt bother me.. it only bothers me if she starts asking about our relationship and then using things he said to start fights between us. I had to teach him just because shes your mom doesnt mean she need to know everything. She really has no boundaries besides the ones we have recently dont speak on our relationship , he needs to stay clean so no bar hopping and etc.We were living in Montana with her and he was drinking all the time buying beer behind my back and giving it to him .(along time ago) and I know it was his decision but hes one of those people who wont say no if it's in front of him and we have talked about it. His therapist said he a social doer and drinker and hes working in it. Anyway so we moved back to my hometown. she likes to party and shes someone who drinks in her sorrows because she cant find or keep a man but I never say anything because it's not my business. Her therapist said she needs to stop looking for happiness in him and live her own life. Shes also a DR so shes always trying to diagnose me and talk to me like I'm her patient . She has called me a psychotic bitch, that im bad for him and that i dont let him do anything. I miscarried one of my twins from arguing with her everyday so I fled the second I got a chance back home. I told her she should care about his sobriety and 1 or 2 beers is fine but not blacked out drunk . I lost respect for her because she would do cocaine and meth with him and her boyfriend and in the beginning and shes an enabler. he has told her a million times hes a grown man and he listens to me because I'm sober and dont drink and says he respects me. She thinks it's me but he ultimately has to make the decision at the end of the day. I know I sound overbearing but it's because I'm the one who has to live with him and I'm the one who's there for him during rehab and stuff. They live in another state so they have no clue how far gone he was and it took him 3 years to say everything he was on and come clean.hes been handed everything his whole life and I had to work for everything I want or have. Hes an only child so I expected that and he has been brought up fortunate. My mother has 6 kids and we were raised to grind if you want it. We all turned out well. Do you guys think I should let her around me and my children. I told him if she cant respect me then she doesnt deserve to be around us.. or am I just being dramatic. Everytime were around eachother something happens and I'm always the one closing my mouth and walking away and I dont have time for it. I'm 6 months pregnant and my son is 9 months so I dont have the time or patience to deal with it. is there a more adult way to go about this situation? I'm open to all opinions .. if you have more questions feel free to ask.