FSH and Estradiol Level


Can someone interpret my results?

FSH: 14.7 (however, I had it done last month and it was 6.7 sooooo not sure what’s up) 14.7 was taken on day 3 but like 3 1/2 this month and the 6.7 was taken on day 2 of last cycle/month.

Estradiol (E2): 32.19

I’m really nervous that this FSH level is on the high end, but also don’t underneath why it went from normal to now high- I know it fluctuates but how concerned should I be? I read somewhere they <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> won’t be successful if FSH is over like 15....

Awaiting my AMH results still. Please shed light on my results if you can. This new year has been an emotional one.