Being forced to watch someone else’s child at 8 months pregnant 😤


I am highly frustrated right now with my boyfriends family. When my boyfriends niece was 9 months old, the mom walked out and said “I’m tired of being a mom and I’m tired of being a wife.”

We have no idea what happened to make her walk and we still can’t get the story straight from the dad. He is a compulsive liar. I quit my job because I was having complications with my pregnancy and being nice I agreed to watch their daughter while every one was at work until I give birth.

The dad doesn’t have anything to do with his daughter. He goes to work and comes home and sits on his phone all day. He is only a parent when it involves attention. Other than that he could honestly have nothing to do with his daughter. On his days off, his 13 year old sister and 15 year old sister watch HIS daughter, WHILE HE IS HOME!!!!

I just turned 31 weeks today and my boyfriend and I have been talking about me POSSIBLY getting a part time job, and I’m most definitely not getting my hopes up as I am close to giving birth, but now every one is mad at the idea that I am wanting a job and they’re literally depending on me to keep custody of this child. (like if you don’t watch her, we’ll lose custody)

And they’re trying to force me to watch her after I give birth to my son. I am just so frustrated and done at this point because I am being forced to take care of a child who isn’t even my responsibility.