I’m so in love 😭

I’m so in love with my boyfriend holy hell. I love so much about him and the things he does for me. I love his face, it’s so bloody cute, I love how loyal he is, he never looks at other girls, he makes me feel so safe and wanted in our relationship and I’ve never had that before, I never have to doubt him when he goes out.

We went to a carnival with his friends last night and went on a ride where three of us could fit and he sat in the middle and put his arm around me, even with his friend there 😭 he even kissed me, god that made me almost cry, he makes it seem like he so happy to have me and he’s proud to show it off, I’ve never had that before!

I have terrible sunburn, it’s so tender and sore and he rubbed the after sun gel on my back and was so freakin gentle, normally he’s kinda rough (I swear guys don’t know their strength sometimes) but he was so soft and kind and I coulda cried

I love that man so much, even if he can be a pain in my ass sometimes, I wouldn’t want it any other way and I couldn’t have asked for anyone better. I used to cry almost every night because of the last guy I was with because of how unfaithful and hurtful he was, but now I’m so happy and only cry out of happiness.

Ladies, never settle for less, 2020 is YOUR year, leave the skinny white boy in 2019 and find yourself the king you deserve! You are all so worth it and I’m so fucking proud of how far everyone has come, it’s only up from here girls 🥰