Dear Marilyn

I’ve known you for two years now. I remember the first day that I walked into your office and we talked about the case. It was hard, emotional, but I did it, I told you about every single disturbing detail and you listened. For the first time since everything happened I felt like someone was actually listening to me and what I had to say. I’ve kept so much bottled up inside that when I let it out, I felt such a weight lifted off of me. We talked more and more. We have reached the point where you told me that you would fight and not give up on me. We spoke on the phone and you told me that he wouldn’t get his way and would have to serve 3 years in jail. Weeks later I receive another call from you and you tell me, he is only going to be serving 8 months instead of 3 years. Obviously that’s not something I wanted to hear but I had to accept it. That was bad enough, you called me again and said that he got out by the 6 month mark due to good behavior. What good behavior? He’s crazy and needs medication and a psych eval. Things got worse and worse because after serving his time, he moved 2 blocks away from me and I had to see him often in the neighborhood. Why couldn’t you fight harder? Why did you stop? Why is it okay for the piece of crap that violated me, allowed to be back out here with freedom?