How do you enjoy your pregnancy after a miscarriage?

I had an early loss in November (around 5-6 weeks) and I conceived again the following cycle. I’m only 4 weeks 2 days according to Glow, but I’ve gotten 4 positive pregnancy tests (including a CB digital).

I wish I could relax a little and be excited! I hate that my whole experience has been tainted with fear and anxiety now. I woke up crying last night because I dreamt I started bleeding.

I wasn’t finding it as stressful until the last day or so my hubby has been getting excited again and keeps saying he “has a good feeling this time” and he thinks it’s going to be a girl. Now I’m afraid he’ll be heartbroken if we have to go through that again.

Can someone please share positive stories of having healthy pregnancies after loss or give me some tips on how to comfort myself?