How can I stop stressing?!


Bit of a long story:

I found out i was pregnant..a week later i bled and was told i was experiencing a chemical pregnancy. A few weeks later the test was still positive & i became very ill..i was worried about an incomplete miscarriage. Come to find out I was still pregnant and little bean had a heartbeat of 143bpm!! I went for my next appointment at 10w3d and baby looked “fantastic”-said the doc. measuring right on schedule heart rate of 171bpm and dancing around like crazy!

I have been under a lot of stress as my partner and i ended our 4 year relationship very recently as he does not want to continue the pregnancy. He has decided he will be moving back to his home in the UK (I am in the US) and we are not together nor does he want to be apart of this. I have been staying with various friends/family as he is still staying in our apartment that we own together..I also am currently not working. I have a lot to figure out..a job, where i will stay if i can not afford our apartment on my own as he will be breaking the lease, health insurance, as well as coping with the emotional aspect of all of this. On top of all of it i just can’t stop worrying about my baby..i keep fearing the worst every cramp or twinge or coming/going of symptoms has me fearing for miscarriage, what if baby’s heart has stopped, what if he/she is not healthy, what if i don’t carry to term, etc. my next appointment isn’t for 10 days and i’m just worried with me being so physically ill( lots of vomiting) & the stress of my current situation i’m harming my baby. i’m 12 weeks today/ i am finding it so hard to let myself relax and connect with my baby and accept that i am even pregnant let alone continuing a healthy pregnancy.

Any advice is greatly appreciated. 💗