Help Cramping and Tightening at 19 weeks

I have had on and off again cramps and tightening in my lower stomach for the last day and half. I went to my midwife and she said it may be BV and to start antibiotics and call the next day if it’s not better. That was yesterday and no today I am still having on and off again cramps and tightness. She said at 19 weeks there isn’t much they can do and if I want I can go to L&D. I also have a cold and don’t know If the coughing could be adding to it. When I stand up the pain is somewhat relived but when I sit down it comes back. The more my lower back hurts the more the cramping. Do I go to L&D? Wait a little while longer? The midwife said if I want but she’s not sure there is a whole lot that can be done.