Was I right to ground my 18 year old for having sex in my house?

My 18 year old is a senior in high school and lives with me. I got bashed on Facebook for discussing this- saying I have no control over an "adult." This girl was just 17 a few weeks ago, she isn't magically an adult now unless she stops depending on me for food and shelter. 18 is also still an adolescent, biological wise. I'm not dumb and I know teens are hormonal beings but that in no way makes them mentally prepared for sex. I caught my daughter having sex with TWO boys at the same time- one of them being her 17 year old bandmate. If I told his parents what I caught their precious angel doing and they decided to press charges for her screwing a minor who would she come to? Me. I don't know when it became acceptable to let your teens run rampant but I'm tired of being made to feel bad for grounding my daughter and taking her phone.

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